This is a friendly reminder that we are waiting for your payment of $25.13. I want to draw your attention to your account that is now past due. We have not received last month's payment for $389.17, which was due ten days ago. A reminder letter is a great way to make a follow-up on a concern or responsibility that has not been met. That being said, read on to find out how you can create a good reminder letter in a snap. 14+ Reminder Letter Templates Final Reminder Letter Template.
5 Sample reminder letter for payment.
First Reminder
Firm Name,
Dear Sirs,
We would like to remind you that a sum of Rs. …………… remains overdue in spite of the lapse of two months since we dispatched 1,200 packets of Topaz Blades to you.
We shall be glad if you will send us a cheque to balance the amount immediately. If by any chance your cheque is already in the mail, please ignore this reminder and accept our thanks.
Yours faithfully,
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Second Reminder: An Appeal for Cooperation
Firm Name,
Dear Sirs,
We had written to you on ……………, about the overdue balance in respect of 1,200 packets of Topaz Blades amounting to Rs. …………… which has probably escaped your attention.
We want your business, and we want you to feel that you are the privileged customer, you really are. You will receive continued good service in exchange for prompt payment.
Yours faithfully,
Third Reminder: An enquiry
Firm Name,
Dear Sirs,
We very much regret that we have not received any reply to our letter dated ……………, regarding the overdue amount against your firm of Rs. ……………
We have failed to understand why you have not sent any reply in spite of the lapse of more than three months since we dispatched the packets of Topaz Blades to you
It is regrettable that our letters have been ignored which may jeopardize our business relations.
We shall appreciate an immediate reply.
Yours faithfully,
Forth Remind: Threatening Legal Action
Dear Sirs,
We very much regret that the sum of Rs. …………… has been overdue since long and in spite of our repeated requests and reminders you haven’t cared to reply or remit the amount.
If we do not receive the above amount within a week of the receipt of this notice, we shall be constrained to resort to legal proceeding and you shall be held liable to the consequences.
Yours faithfully,
Fifth Reminder: An Appeal to Fair play
Dear Sirs,
We regret that despite your promise of prompt payment regarding the good we had dispatched to you, you have not done so. You seem to have forgotten all that you had written earlier.
Could we hope that you would remit amount without any further delay?
Yours ever in service,
Yours faithfully,
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How to write this letter:
1 | Remind the customer that payment is past due and state the amount owed. |
2 | Ask the customer to send the payment. |
3 | Acknowledge that the customer may have already sent payment and thank him or her accordingly. |
This is the first letter in a collection series. It should contain a short message to gently remind the customer that payment is past due. The message could be attached to the bottom of a billing statement and could acknowledge that payment may have already been made.
Example Letter #1
We hope you are enjoying the books shipped to you last month. Part of your agreement was to pay $40 each month. This is a reminder that your first payment is now overdue. Please disregard this note if your check is already in the mail.
Example Letter #2
Please remember that the balance on your account ($132.16) remains unpaid. It was due to be paid in full ten days ago. Enclosed is an envelope in which you may mail your payment. If, by chance, you have already sent your payment, please disregard this letter and accept our gratitude.
Example Letter #3
This is just a friendly reminder that your June payment of $100 is overdue. If you have not already sent the payment, please do so now.
Example Letter #4
Our records show an outstanding balance for your son, Eric.
We request that your monthly tuition payment be paid before the 10th of each month. Accounts paid after the 10th of the month accrue a $5.00 late tuition fee. This is just a reminder as we do not mail statements.
We are certainly not exempt from making errors! Please notify us immediately if there is any question concerning the payment.
Example Letter #5
Recently Jane Doe was treated at Springfield Hospital by our emergency physician. The balance for the treatment is $100.00. Because you are a valued customer, we are concerned about your past-due balance. To protect your good standing with the medical group (as well as your credit rating), please pay the amount due within 15 working days. If you cannot pay the entire amount immediately, we can set up a payment plan. Simply call us at 555-5555 between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
If you have already sent your payment or made arrangements with this office, please disregard this letter and accept our thanks.
Example Letter #6
Our records indicate that we have not received your payment which was due on 12-5-98. We hope this was just an oversight and you will be able to remit the funds due immediately.
The amount due on your loan is $1,500.
This amount includes any applicable late charges and/or fees.
If your records reflect that you paid this payment prior to the date of this letter, you still need to contact us so that the discrepancy can be resolved and any necessary corrections can be made on your account.
If, however, you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact us so that we can assist you in working through the situation and bring your account back to a current status. We can provide you with counseling or a listing of HUD approved counseling agencies which you may wish to contact for assistance.
Please call me at our toll free number listed above as soon as possible. We can then begin to work through this situation together.
Write Your Letter Step-by-Step
Remind the customer that payment is past due and state the amount owed.
Example Sentences for Step 1
Example Phrases for Step 1
Example Sentences for Step 2
Example Phrases for Step 2
Acknowledge that the customer may have already sent payment and thank him or her accordingly.