This question seems common so I thought I'd write an article. Note that sometimes there may be more than one possible solutions, so don't forget to check the docs.
A literal is a string written in code with 'quotes around it'. A literal is not a wxString, and (in wxWidgets 2.8) will not be implicitly converted to one. This means that you can never pass in a raw literal into a wxWidget function or method (unless you don't care about your app not building with Unicode-enabled wxWidgets builds)
Instead, wxWidgets (prior to wxWidgets 3.0) requires you to use one of these macros to turn literals into wxString-compatible characters:
Rather than being a nuisance, the _(), wxT(), and _T() macros take care of some unicode issues.
Apr 30, 2011 written in MFC, all will share a very common, core subset of the. Framework, same would be true for wxWidget apps. These areas could very. Well be documented. I.e basic class hierarchy, persisting object, app/doc/view model, message/event maps, drawing, threading, just to new a few common areas. Written in MFC, all will share a very common, core subset of the. Framework, same would be true for wxWidget apps. These areas could very. Well be documented. I.e basic class hierarchy, persisting object, app/doc/view model, message/event maps, drawing, threading, just to new a few common areas. Set up your interface from scratch using wxWidgets (especially wxDesigner or DialogBlocks- it'll save you a lot of time) and when you have a shell prepared, you can start 'pouring in' code from the MFC app, with appropriate modifications. This is the approach I have used, and I found it very satisfactory.
char* to wxString
Note that in wxWidgets 3.0, it just works to pass a char array where a wxString parameter is expected, the conversion will be automatic and implicit, using the current locale encoding. So even in wx 3.0, the snippets presented below still make sense when you don't want to be at the mercy of the current locale encoding.
wxString to char*
mb_str() returns a temporary pointer; if you need the output for more than one function call (as is the case above), you can store the char buffer for a little while :
And if you really need to copy it in to char* (but why would you? ;) :
You can also use ToUTF8(), since which encoding you get is clearer than with mb_str()
From const char* to char*:
Variadic functions (like printf) won't work with mb_str(), but this will work:
Alternatively, use the method recommended in Potential Unicode Pitfalls:
wchar_t* to wxString
wxString to wchar_t*
See the following methods in the docs :
wxString to TCHAR
int to wxString
float to wxString
wxString to integer number
wxString to floating-point number
std::string to wxString
Starting from wxWidgets 3.0, you may also use the appropriate constructor
wxString to std::string
wxWidgets 2.8 :
Under wxWidgets 3.0, you may use
std::wstring to wxString
Starting from wxWidgets 3.0, you may use the appropriate constructor
wxString to std::wstring
Under wxWidgets 3.0, you may use
This is a small taste of some of the applications built with wxWidgets.
Hollywood is a cross-platform programming language available formany different platforms. It comes with an inbuilt cross-compiler that can deploy executables to over 15 different architectures, ranging from AmigaOSto Windows. Hollywood uses wxWidgets in its RapaGUI plugin which can be used toconveniently create graphical user interfaces from XML files in a platform-independent way.
IvyBackup is backup software for Windows that is easy andintuitive to use. It saves you time, money and headaches. It protects yourfiles from total or partial loss and ensures your files and documents arenever left vulnerable.
CopperCube, by Ambiera, is an editor for creating 3D apps, gamesand 3D websites. Import or create your 3D models, set camera controllers,materials, behaviors, click ‘publish’ and your app is ready. Create everythingfrom simple model viewers to full 3D games as WebGL websites, Flash .swfs, MacOS, Windows, or Android apps, all without programming.
RocketCake, by Ambiera, is a free web editor for creatingresponsive websites. For beginners and professional web developers. Noprogramming needed. Rocket Cake has built in support for all important HTMLelements: image galleries, slideshows, resizable containers, stylish buttons,gradients, HTML 5 video, audio, and more.
ZepMan is a front-end for the Zep experiment control program. Theapplication suite (ZepMan + Zep) is used by experimental psychologists forscientific research (speech and language mainly). The application runs underLinux, Windows and Mac OS X.
Cars HotSurf
Cars HotSurf finds used cars on popular car sales websites inthe United States and Europe. Cars HotSurf was specially developed for cardealers and professional car resellers. It automatically monitors popular usedcar sales websites for the latest cars offers according to user preferences.
ECMerge is a comparison, synchronization and merge tool. It isadvanced tool primarily targeted to the developer to compare source code,images and trees of source, but it’s interface is easy enough to use bycommercials and laywers to compare conracts. ECMerge runs on Linux, Mac andWindows.
Audacity is a free, easy-to-use and multilingual audio editor andrecorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. You canuse Audacity to record live audio, convert tapes and records into digitalrecordings or CDs, edit sound files, cut/copy/splice or mix sounds together,and change the speed or pitch of a recording.
Poedit is cross-platform gettext catalogs editor for translatorswhich runs on Unix, Windows and Mac OS X. Unlike other editors, Poedit providescompact view of data and very effective UI.
Transcribe! is an assistant for people who want to work out apiece of music from a recording, in order to write it out, or play itthemselves, or both. It doesn’t do the transcribing for you, but it isessentially a specialised player program which is optimised for the purpose oftranscription. It has many transcription-specific features not found onconventional music players.
BOINC is software that uses the idle time on your computer (Windows,Mac, or Linux) to cure diseases, study global warming, discover pulsars, and domany other types of scientific research.
One project that uses BOINC is SETI@home, a scientific experiment that usesInternet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence(SETI).
Game Develop
Game Develop is game development software, using wxWidgets forall GUI related tasks, allowing creation of any kind of 2D game without needingany knowledge in a specific language. Everything is made using visual editorsand the software uses an event-based system, using conditions which have to befilled so as to execute actions, to manage the game logic. These events arecompiled by Game Develop to machine code. Games can be compiled and distributedfor Windows and Ubuntu.
Audio Evolution
Audio Evolution, by eXtream Software Development, is amulti-platform audio and MIDI sequencing application with a focus onuser-friendliness and simplicity. Compose your music using multi-channelrecording, mixing, non-destructive editing, real-time effects and a lot morefor a very affordable price!
Ginkgo CADx
Ginkgo CADx, by MetaEmotion S.L., is a multi-platform Open SourceMedical Imaging Software which provides a complete DICOM Viewer solution withadvanced capabilities and extensions support. Ginkgo CADx works on Windows,Linux and MacOS X.

GIMIAS is a workflow-oriented environment focused on biomedical imagecomputing and simulation. The open source framework is extensible throughplug-ins and is focused on building research and clinical software prototypes.Gimias has been used to develop clinical prototypes in the fields of cardiacimaging and simulation, angiography imaging and simulation, and neurology.
SYSmark 2012
SYSmark 2012 is an application-based benchmark that reflectsusage patterns of business users in the areas of office productivity,data/financial analysis, system management, media creation, 3D modeling and webdevelopment.
WebsitePainter is a web editor for creating professionallooking Websites, without HTML knowledge and programming. With a few clicks itis possible to create web pages with elements like Web2.0 buttons, gradients,round borders, hover effects, transparencies, continuous text and more.WebsitePainter works on Windows and Mac OS X.
Trident, by USCS, is designed as a satellite application to theCADDS-5 system, as well as operating as a standalone program, to be used inshipbuilding. It is a modularized application, running on Win32, Solaris andLinux platforms. Presently there are 3 working modules: paint area estimation,hull draw generation, and CADDS-5 hiding procedure editor.
Kirix Strata
Kirix Strata is an ad hoc data analysis and reporting tool forbusiness analysts and IT workers. Strata enables you to explore and work withstructured data much more effectively than with common data tools likespreadsheets and desktop databases. With Strata, you can access data from justabout anywhere (including the Web), work with unlimited file sizes, and use awealth of analytic tools to quickly accomplish your tasks.
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Symscape’s Caedium provides an affordable, unified simulationenvironment for 3D fluid flow analysis and visualization on Windows, Macintosh,and Linux. Caedium uses state-of-the-art Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) tosimulate the fluid flow and heat transfer over almost any configuration.Caedium combines intuitive drag and drop model configuration with affordablepricing and free trials, bringing CFD within the reach of everyone.

KiCad is an open source (GPL) application for designing electronicschematic diagrams and printed circuit board artwork. Available for Windows andLinux.
Kephra is a programmer’s GUI text editor which is based on Scintillaand written in Perl, using the wxPerl bindings. The interface is designed alongthe Perl principles “there is more than one way to do it” and “keep easy thingseasy and the hard possible”. It runs on Linux, Mac and Windows.
Writer’s Café
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Writer’s Café is a set of power tools for all fiction writers,whether experienced or just starting out. The heart of Writer’s Café isStoryLines, a powerful but simple to use story development tool thatdramatically accelerates the creation and structuring of your novel orscreenplay.