Download Nepali Date Converter Offline Version. Date converter is compulsion now days for your PC or laptops. We can fine lots on online date converter that helps to convert Nepali date in to English and vice verse. But this date converter comes in offline version means it doesn't require internet connection to run this software. We’ve tried different ways to convert a Nepali date into an English date, BS to AD. Converting BS to AD or Nepali Date to English Date is a bit harder to convert, using your own calculations. Many people don’t know their date of birth in English cause they used to remember it in BS. So, they try to convert BS to AD using their own calculations.
Nepali To English Date Converter Online
Get widget for nepali date converter
Display nepali date converter on you website. Place this date converter widget on sidebar or any appropriate place. Choose(tick) responsive, it will auto adjust responsive width on you website. If you want to use fixed width, then input required value of width below. Now it support HTTPS too.
Note: Don't remove copyright link to nepali date converter website. We appreciate your feedback and enquiries please contact here. Thank you.
Widget for date converter will be displayed as shown below on your website. To display this mini nepali date converter on you website - generate code from left. This widget can adept responsive website and support https.
Nepali date converter - Classic old
If you want to display 'Nepali date converte - Classic old' on your web page. Then just copy the given code exactly and paste in your web page where you want to display Classic Nepali Date Converter. Here I named it 'Classic old' as it is the legacy theme style used almost from 12 years. This classic old and above use same date conversion engine.