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Simon Craft
Compared to SIMION® 7.0, SIMION® 8.0 includes various necessary changes,some limit and performance increases, some new capabilities, some usabilityenhancements, and the useful parts of the SL Toolkit. There is a 6-pageSIMION 8 brochure available.

Major changes between 7.0 and 8.0.4 are
- Major revamp of user interface. Includes native GUIcontrols (more standard), OpenGL viewing of PA files (shown in thescreenshot at the bottom of this page), reduced screen flicker(double-buffering), and clearer labeling and placement offunctionality to reduce learning curve. See alsoScreenshots of SIMION 8.
- Enhanced user programming: The Lua programminglanguage is now embedded into SIMION and replaces PRG (though PRGis still supported for backwards compatibility). Lua also replacesthe SL Compiler (which compiled down to PRG) and is much morepowerful (SL programs have been found to be very easy to convert toLua).
- Batch mode operation:Command-line APIand Lua interfaces allow SIMION to be operated in “batch mode” fromLua or any other programming language. Operations include GEM –>PA, refine, fast adjust, and fly. One application is geometryoptimization (there is a new “geometry_optimization” exampleincluded).
- CAD Import: CAD import (STL) and other import/exportfunctions (from the SL Toolkit) are included. (See alsoSL Tools Tutorial for older SLdocs on this.) Note: SIMION 8 replaces the SL Toolkit, which willno longer be sold separately.
- SL Libraries from the SL Toolkit are included. (See alsoSL Libraries for older SL docs on this.)
- New particle definition format: Support for new FLY2particle definition format (FLY2 File). Original FLY is stillsupported for backward compatibility though.
- Expanded limits:
- Max PA size slightly increased from 50 million (in 7.0) to almost 200million (if sufficient RAM available ~2GB). OS restrictions may apply,though the increased RAM has been tested to work at least under WindowsXP. See RAM and Memory.
- Maximum fast scalable and fast adjustable electrodesincreased from 31 to 128. See Max Electrodes.
- Max number of particles increased from 500 thousand (in 7.0) toabout a couple million (if sufficient RAM available)
Simon Cracker
- Extended PA capabilities. Crop refined PAs to reduce Fly’mmemory usage (Issue-I313).Combine linearly dependents electrodes into the same solution arrays(Issue-I172), which is useful forreducing memory usage in resistor chains.
- Biot-Savart magnetic field calculation from wire currents(air core). See Biot-Savart Law and Magnets.
- GEM file preprocessor built-in, supporting things like variableexpansion. See GEM Geometry File. (Issue-I296)
- Improved performance. Rough measurements show refine andfly times reduced by ~20-40% from 7.0, largely due to compiler anddisplay optimizations.
- New/updated examples - PRG programs have been rewritten inLua, and documentation has been expanded. New examples havebeen added such as geometry optimization / simplex routine,phase plotting in Excel (via LuaCOM), HS1 ion-gas collision model,SDS mobility-diffusion collision model for high pressures,beam emittance calculation, ion funnel, lens properties,magnetic field array import, IMS, HSA, ion funnel, solenoid, and others.
- Provide for future features and improvements (in anticipationof SIMION 8.1). We plan to continually expand the software as8.0.x releases after the initial release of 8.0.0. These updateswill be provided as free downloads on our web site, for at least ayear.
- Updated ~450 page manual
- For a more detailed change list, see theSoftware Change Log.
- Other features are being considered for 8.0.x updates.
Compatibility: SIMION 8.0 has a high level of forward andbackward compatibility with 7.0. Almost all 7.0 files can be readby 8.0, and 8.0 files can be read in 8.0 provided new features andformats are not used.
Performance: SIMION 8.0 generally refines and flies ionsfaster than SIMION 7.0 (initially by 20-40%, though some reportsare much higher).
System Requirements: See System Requirements. BothWindows and Linux (under Wine) are supported.
Pricing: A discount is provided to existing SIMION 7.0 users andadditional discount for SL Toolkit users. Note that SIMION 8 now includes SL,which is no longer available separately. The price of SIMION 8 is the same asthe price of SIMION 7+SL. Ordering Info.
Upgrades: Similar to as was done with our SL Toolkit, free upgrades willbe provided to SIMION 8.0.x (and possibly additional) versions, which will befor at least a year after the initial release of 8.0, as the software isfurther incrementally developed based on user feedback.
Simon Crafter
Support for old versions:
- SIMION 7.0 will still be supported since itis a stable and widely used version, and many of the concepts remain the samein 8.0. Both 7.0 and 8.0 can be installed and run simultaneously. In fact, 8.0includes a copy of the 7.0 binary.
- SIMION 6.0, released in ~ 1996, is no longer formally supported due to OSissues, but we may answer occasional questions on it in the user group.
- SIMION SL is now incorporated into SIMION 8. It is no longer soldseparately, but it will still be supported. It will also be maintained, thoughmajor new functionality is now going into SIMION 8.