- Whatever your management style, DairyPlan C21 will help you obtain the information you need in a clear and easy manner through the latest software technology. Evaluating, Analyzing, Monitoring, Benchmarking, and Planning: DairyPlan C21 offers the right software tools for successful management of your complete herd — from calves to milking.
- Whatever your management style, DairyPlan C21 will help you obtain the informationyou need in a clear and easy manner through the latestsoftware technology. Evaluating, Analyzing, Monitoring, Benchmarking, andPlanning: DairyPlan C21 offers the right software tools for successful management of your complete herd — from.
C21 Herd Management DairyPlan Reports DairyPlan has a large number of reports to choose from. Below are some of the most useful as far as Herd Management is concerned. All reports can be changed to suit an individual farms requirements or new reports created 1 2 This is the Milk Production report. It is in cow number order.
Home » Products » Herd Management » GEA Automatic Identification » GEA Dairy Plan C21 Software
Herd management is particularly efficient with the DairyPlan C21 software. With this product, you can always keep an eye on important data.
Added value through time savings: Many tasks involved in herd management can be reliably automated.
The DairyPlan C21 herd management software is the flexible solution which can be individually adjusted to any size of farm and to your specific demands thanks to its modular design. Here are the advantages at a glance:
Central herd management with all animal and production data
Management functions for milking, reproduction, feeding and animal health
Wide-ranging and individual evaluations and analysis in the form of graphs or tables
Seamless integration of custom-made systems for calculation of milk yield
Also available for goats or sheep as G21 and S21
The most important components in the system solution for effective herd management are a custom-built milk management system, the reliable identification of individual animals, automatic feeding and animal sorting by AutoSelect, FeedSelect and automatic oestrus detection.
Additional functionalities are available with DPVet and DPSingle.
Seamless and punctual detection of the need for treatment of sick animals
Initiation, performance and checking of each individual treatment
Automatic identification of animals with a low milk yield and high conductivity as having suspected mastitis.
Basic data relating to the animal and important information on its current lactation, constantly at a glance and even in graphical form.
Click here to watch a CowScout with Dairy Plan overview video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXnkWHqmHhQ
The heat sentry with a 2-hour cycle

Dairyplan C21 Keygen Free
High herd fertility is one of the key factors in profitable milk production. With DairyPlan C21 and the new Rescounter III, GEA has further enhanced its accurate estrous detection tool. Rescounter III, equipped with a wear-free movement sensor, displays the activity every two hours so that signs of heat can be reliably recognized and the best time for insemination determined.
Available as leg or neck-mounted version
Rescounter III is available as a leg or neck-mounted version. It can be easily attached to the cow's leg or neck and has been designed for the animal's comfort.
Use as replacement part
The new Rescounter III (leg and neck) can be used as a replacement part within and for the extension of existing systems together with the predecessor, Rescounter II.
Your benefits at a glance:
- Lower insemination costs as fewer inseminations needed for impregnation
- Reduced calving interval
- Higher annual average milk yield
Herd Management - Let Advanced Dairy Solutions help you find your best fit for your dairy with the top products in the industry from GEA.
DairyPlan C21 - Herd and Parlor Management Software
DairyPlan C21 offers integrated monitoring and control of parlor systems as well as comprehensive production and health data. DairyPlan has user-friendly displays and accurate reports that facilitate the management of your herd and parlor through the latest software technology.
Dairyplan C21 Keygen Download
Features & Benefits
Dairyplan C21 Keygen Key
- Evaluating, Analyzing, Monitoring, Benchmarking, and Planning — DairyPlan C21 offers the right software tools for successful management of your complete herd — from calves to milking cows to dry cows.
- Reproduction and Herd Health Management - Review and manage reproductive efficiencies.- Pinpoint problem cows — fertility, mastitis & other health problems.- Forecast milking cow numbers, dry cows and number of calvings.- Organize herd health checks, vaccination & synchronization programs.- Evaluate statistics on ailments and treatments.- Detect heats on milking animals and youngstock with activity monitoring.- Record and evaluate Body Condition Scores.
- Milk Production Management - Monitor milk production — daily, monthly and yearly averages.- Prevent lactation pitfalls and keep production where it should be.- Identify and treat exception cows immediately.- Integrate component test results by herd or by individual.- Manage and view milking routines from the computer.- Evaluate milk flow & production data.- Measure milk conductivity and better monitor mastitis.
- System Management Regulate and monitor connected hardware components.- Analyze parlor performance and work flow routines.- Sort animals automatically by setting criteria in software.- Monitor parlor washing performance.- Manage concentrate feeding.- Interface with tank controls to record milk temperatures.- Automatically weigh animals & record body weights on the move.- Monitor DairyFeed calf feeders and manage youngstock.