Weather faxes are images of weather charts sent over HF frequencies. In the video he uses SDR-Console and SeaTTY to do the decoding and demonstrates reception of an example fax. The Real Matrix - Decoding Morse Code Using An RTL SDR Receiver. To receive signals from orbiting weather satellites, you need a receiver and antenna capable of receiving frequency modulation (FM) in the 137 MHz satellite band. The audio from the receiver is fed into the line input of the computer sound card, where it is saved as an audio file (usually in WAV format) and then decoded into an image using.
The lite version of Navi Weather is an excellent free Grib file viewer for Windows. It not only lets you view Grib files saved on your computer, but also provides weather forecast Grib files to download and view. It is very easy to download a Grib file here; you just have to press Shift Key and select a region on the World map. Weather faxes are images of weather charts sent over HF frequencies. In the video he uses SDR-Console and SeaTTY to do the decoding and demonstrates reception of an example fax. The Real Matrix - Decoding Morse Code Using An RTL SDR Receiver.
- 'Thanks for a fine piece of software!' - Ralph E. Taggart, Professor and Chair, Geological Sciences, MSU.
SatSignalregistration - help support continued development!
What is SatSignal?
SatSignal is a program to demodulate NOAA APT, Okean, Meteor 3-5 and Resurs signals. It can be automatically driven by SatBatch, and has a detailed technical description. Want to to see some images decoded with SatSignal? - take a look at my sample results, or Craig's, Jim's pages or WTOC-TV (Patrick Prokop). Dale Hardy has MTSAT-1R images decoded by SatSignal and processed by GeoSatSignal. SatSignal is intended to work from pre-recorded .WAV files or 2-channel images, and requires a proper full-bandwidth IF receiver signal (38KHz or more). Signals that sound like alternating tone and noise will not work. See here for programs that will automatically record wave files. Les Hamilton has written a Guide to processing APT weather satellite images using SatSignal. | Cloud-top temperature mode using overlays |
Classic false-colour mode - note that the colours are accurately related to the brightness temperature and a superb level of land detail is retained - more so than in competing programs. Click for a full-scale image section | SatSignal is very fast - decoding a typical pass in under 10seconds on today's 2GHz processors. This program is not a WXSat replacement, I have great respect for thatprogram! You can read more aboutSatSignal, its operation and algorithms if you wish. There is a group you can join at where other users of the software can be contacted and ideas for updates arediscussed. SatSignal 6 with EasyOverlay Background Mode released!Thanks to a great team of beta testers, SatSignal 6 has nowbeen released, combining the ease of image processing and high-qualityfalse-colour image production of SatSignal with a new EasyOverlay BackgroundMode facility, which allows you to make night-time passes look as good asdaylight passes! Your existing registration code will not work onSatSignal5, as this is a newprogram with substantially expanded facilities. Related stuffI am very grateful to the late Ferran Alegret for providing a Spanish language version ofthe help file, which may be obtained directly from his Website. The cloud-top temperature algorithm and its usage were described atthe late Trevor Cousens' Web site. The NOAAKLM User's Guide is the official NOAA document describing the satellites andtheir sensors. |
EasyOverlay - Background Mode - night into day!
Here is an example of the new Background Overlay mode. By skilfully blending the temperature information derived from the thermal channel with the recently released Blue Marble Next Generation images of the earth, night-time images can be presented looking as if they were daytime ones, with an attractive blue sea background and naturally coloured land areas. You have full control of what background images are used, so you are not restricted to the Blue Marble data. You also have full control over the blending process, so you can show colder clouds as light (as in the example here) or dark for a more dramatic presentation. Files to get you started are provided. | |
Channel B - thermal image with conventional display. Click for larger image | False colour Background Mode with Blue Marble background image. Click for larger image |
Can I register, and what do I get?
Users have asked to support this software by registering, so I have now providedthis facility. There are a number of extras for registered users includingmap overlays,input from bitmap (.BMP) image files, and the direct display of apparenttemperature. These are available upon registration. I would also likethose who use the program as a regular part of automated signal reception to considerregistering, hence the toolbar and batch operation are included in the registeredprogram. Click here for moreinformation about registering SatSignal.
- Registration provides
- Faster operation through toolbar icons
- Access to apparent temperature display in ºF or ºC
- Access to overlay display of countries, states & grid-lines
- Access to the EasyOverlay facility
- Access to Background Mode - turning night passes into day
- Access to image input options
- Access to command-line parameters for fully automated operation
- Ability to add your text to the image
- Technical support
Please note that SatSignal 6 requires a newlicence code.
If you get error messages about missing DLLs whenyou try to run SatSignal, please consult the library notes page.
- Register SatSignal - help support continued developments.
- Currently, you need WXtrack to get your location data into SatSignal, and it also is a convenient way to get the Kepler and country boundary data.
- System requirements
- Display: 800 x 600 resolution or better, 15-, 16- 24- or 32-bit colour recommended. Be sure to calibrate your monitor
- Windows -7 and later supported, earlier Windows may also work but are not supported
- Memory: 128 MB or better. 256 MB highly recommended
- Processor: Pentium 500 MHz or better
- Runtime Library Bundle (if you don't already have it).
- Got a question? Check the FAQ!
- If you collect your own data, be sure your PC is keeping accurate time.
- Want to ask a question - ask the self help group:
- If installing on Windows Vista, you may need the Microsoft WinHelp update.
Convert your SatSignal images to standard map projections withthe GroundMap program
V5.1.0 | Allow choice of mouse scroll direction, French language update. 2008-Feb-29 Russian language update. |
V5.1.2 | Add gamma 0.6 and 0.8 options for improved cloud structure detail, refine WXtrack needed message, French language update. 2008-Dec-07 Russian language update |
V5.1.4 | Update NOAA-19 support, improved telemetry decoding, add check against bad Sensor Model value. |
V5.2.2 | Default satellites updated, improved channel switch reporting, built with Delphi 2009. |
V6.0.0 | Updated licence. |
Download SatSignal V6.0.0
(1,638,741 bytes; 2015-Apr-07; MD5 signature: 2FF629D29757DEDFB7086D14AAE7D71B)
Beta version: Check herefor the latest update.
Windows-7 and later informationplease read this is you have problems with the program's Help function.
- Please note that this download includes a 30-day trial of the full SatSignal-6. If you don't register within 30 days, it will stop working.
- Register SatSignal - help support continued developments
- Country boundary data (required for Easy Overlay if you don't have WXtrack, but you really should install WXtrack as an easy way to keep the Kepler data up-to-date)
- Colour lookup table - two CLUTs, one as used on Milan Konecny's weather satellite images, the other showing cloud-top temperatures overlaying the standard false-colour image
- Colour Lookup Tables (CLUTs) (1.8MB) - stepped and smooth CLUTs from Dutch weather expert Ton Lindemann. (The file also includes land-sea LUTs for use with GeoSatSignal). They look for cold cloud tops allowing easier recognition of possible rainfall and severe weather. The readme is also updated with more information about meteorological use of enhancement of IR-satellite imagery. You can also refer to Ton's Web site (only in Dutch) - Les Hamilton's Guide to processing APT weather satellite images using SatSignal.
- German language Read Me file for V4.0.0 (many thanks to Stefan and Robert Suffa)
- Spanish language readme file for V4.0.6 (many thanks to Enrique Carmenates Gonzalez)
- Spanish language Help file from Ferran Alegret's site => Descarga
- Be sure to calibrate your monitor correctly for best results
- Visit the SatSignal self-help group to discuss this software with other users.
If you like this software, you can rate it at the DXZone web site that listsrelated programs. Ratethis Software @ The DXZone. Be sure to register SatSignaland support continued development.

A self-help group is available for this software here:
Freeware Weather Fax Receiver Software
Download LUTmaker 1.0.6 (31,424bytes; 2001 Dec 12)

V1.0.4 | Is a companion program for building your own colourlook-up tables to use with SatSignal. |
V1.0.6 | Adds a Save As option. Includes source code. |
- Required library
Sample Images and related goodies
The sample images give an idea of theprogram's capabilities, but the large images are only one quarter of full size and do notgive a fair impression of the quality of the program's output. Typically, eachfull-size Meteor or Resurs picture would decode to either 1 MB JPEG or 3 MB BMP files. The two pictures of Iceland are full scale, and were taken within an hour of eachother on 1999 April 1. The NOAA image showing better contrast on the mountains,either because of the lower sun angle of the earlier picture or the stronger gammacorrection of SatSignal, but with the higher resolution is achieved by Meteor withSatSignal, the higher elevation of Meteor also producing a lower noise signal.
- WXReceiver program by George Ioannu - a utility to automatically record the APT signal of passing weather satellites with RS232 controlled receivers.
- SatTune program by Tim Seed to control a PCR-1000 radio
- Julian Moss has an automatic recorder called SatMon in the Softwaresection of his Web site.
- Want to check signal levels? Check out my SatLevelutility!
- Want to upload to your Web site automatically? Check out Brian Hamilton's Autosat Pic FTP utility.
- Want a sample NOAA wave file to check SatSignal? Download a recent 16 MB sample including the wave file and processed results - my signals and interference are not so good these days!
Program to drive the SatSignal and WXtrack programs for automated decoding of afolder full of mixed satellite wave files.
The registered version of SatSignal is required to run this program. Nonew libraries are required. A Pentium 200MMX processor or better is recommended,with at least 32MB of memory.
Current release
V1.8.0 | Add support for NOAA-18 and NOAA-19, honourWindows XP themes. |
V1.8.2 | Allow user control of minimum pass duration to be processed,pass NOAA-18 as model name when appropriate, add NOAA-6 to deselection options. |
V1.8.4 | Add NOAA-APT only option. |
V1.8.5 | Improved clarity of pass-list display. More choices with pass duration required .. be sure to check your 'Require xx secs' setting. |
V1.9.0 | Version for Delphi 2009. |
Download SatBatchV1.9.0 (532,807 bytes; 2009 Jun 30)
The program reads pass details from both WXtrack and SatSignal and plots thesignal quality as a function of the range and bearing from your location. Bybuilding up such data over a sequence of satellite passes, you can build up a picture of the antenna polar diagram, and detect any nulls in the polar diagram. It is also possible to compare antennas, and an example of such acomparison may be found here.
This is a free, unsupported utility. Please askquestions in the SatSignalself-help group.
Current release
V1.2.0 | Provide 'good signals only' scale range option,add smoothing option for Azimuth plot, add visual scale for polar plots. |
V1.3.0 | Add save of estimated horizon data derived from least elevation seen in polar plot. |
Download NOAAplotV1.3.0 (62,113 bytes; 2006 Jun 25)
- MultiPSK
A very clomplete ham radio software collection for SSTV, FAX, and WX - Weather Fax and Weather Satellites
Weather Fax for Windows hardware and Software. - RadioRaft
RadioRaft decodes 10 different ARQ modes, 8 different FEC modes, Packet, Baudot, CW... It works with a Hamcomm interface or a radiomodem. RadioRaft offers automatic detection of modes, speeds and shift. It comes with a frequencymeter/baudmeter included, it has signal frequency tracking and a bit by bit display mode. Very easy to use. practical and fast.
- APT Decoder- APTDecoder is a free software for recording and decoding signals transmitted by NOAA POES APT enabled weather satellites. It is run on a NT-based version of Window
- Ham Fax- HamFax is an application for sending and receiving facsimiles in amateur radio and for receiving public facsimile broadcasts like weather maps. Supported interfaces are sound cards and the SCS-PTCII from Special Communication Systems.[ Hits: 5100 | Votes: 4 | Rating: 5.5 ]
- HF Weather Fax- HF Weather Fax for Android decodes weather fax 120/576 charts and satellite images through the microphone of your Android phone or tablet.Just set your phone or tablet next to the speaker of your marine radio or any other shortwave receiver with sideband capability and start recording weather charts and images
- iPad iPhone HF Weather Fax Decoder App- HF Weather Fax lets you receive marine weather radiofascimile transmissions on your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Just connect it to a shortwave radio tune in a weather fax frequency, and watch the images come in.[ Hits: 1562 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 4.5 ]
- MeteoFax32- Weatherfax decoding software with modem
- METEOR M decoder- A portable decoder for METEOR M weather satellite LRPT signal, available for windows and Linux[ Hits: 238 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
- MScan Meteo- The revolutionary program, combining the ability to decode FAX, NAVTEX and RTTY signals, make VOICE recordings and view GRIB files in a single program!
- Mscan Meteo V 3.2- Access to weather forecasts while at sea or at homeWeather fax, RTTY, Navtex commercial program[ Hits: 1597 | Votes: 7 | Rating: 5 ]
- Multi-fax- Weather demodulator software, cards and antennas.
- MultiPSKupdatedpop- Windows freeware multimode program by F6CTE it supports BPSK31 QPSK31 PSK63 PSK63F PSK10 PSKFEC31 PSKAM CW CCW THROB 4 bauds THROBX RTTY SITOR-AMTOR-NAVTEX FELD HELL PSK JT65 HELL HF FAX SSTV FILTERS[ Hits: 97191 | Votes: 156 | Rating: 7.38 ]
- RadioRaft- RadioRaft decodes 10 different ARQ modes, 8 different FEC modes, Packet, Baudot, CW... It works with a Hamcomm interface or a radiomodem. RadioRaft offers automatic detection of modes, speeds and shift. It comes with a frequencymeter/baudmeter included, it has signal frequency tracking and a bit by bit display mode. Very easy to use. practical and fast.
- SatSignal- Program to demodulate NOAA, Okean, Meteor 3-5 and Resurs signals without the bent verticals resulting from WXSat.[ Hits: 4704 | Votes: 105 | Rating: 6.9 ]
- SeaTTY RTTY/NAVTEX decoder- Program to receive weather reports and navigational warnings transmitted on longwave and shortwave bands in RTTY and NAVTEX modes. None additional hardware is required - your need only receiver and computer with a sound card.
- SSTV FAX WX Softwarepop- A very clomplete ham radio software collection for SSTV, FAX, and WX[ Hits: 42643 | Votes: 57 | Rating: 5.85 ]
- SWIFT WX- SWIFT WX Version 2.0 combines a powerful GIS mapping engine with real-time weather maps and storm tracking data making it the most comprehensive storm tracking application available.
- Weather Fax and Weather Satellitespop- Weather Fax for Windows hardware and Software.[ Hits: 36943 | Votes: 33 | Rating: 5.36 ]
- WXtoImg- WXtoImg is a freeware advanced APT (NOAA, Meteor) and WEFAX (GOES, Meteosat) weather satellite decoding program for Windows, Linux, and MacOS X
- WXWarn - Weather Software- WXWarn taps into the US National Weather Service real time weather data feed, constantly monitors NWS weather updates and displays just the alerts that are important to you as they are issued.[ Hits: 1496 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 9 ]