- Gas Turbine Simulation software, free download
- Gas Turbine Simulation Program Free Download
- Gas Turbine Simulation Program Free Printable
Project Summary. GTSP is a Gas Turbine Simulation Program. The user can model a gas turbine and run steady state and transient simulations. In section 2, the gas turbine operating principles are briefly described. Classification of gas turbines is presented in section 3. Section 4 demonstrates the necessity and goal of modelling and simulation of gas turbines. Section 5 explains major studies in the field of modelling and simulation of gas turbine for both white-box and black-box.
The Gas turbine Simulation Program GSP, a component based modelling environment, is NLR’s primary tool for gas turbine engine performance analysis. GSP's flexible object-oriented architecture allows steady-state and transient simulation of any gas turbine configuration using a user-friendly drag & drop interface with on-line help running. Download Gas Station Software for free. Gas Station Software - Agnitech Point of Sale software is used to manage the operations of various types of businesses, including restaurants, salons, tattoo shops, tanning shops, Spa and Salon, gas stations, warehouses, wholesale distribution, retail merchants, retail stores, video rental stores, jewelry stores, shoes stores, clothing stores, food. The AxSTREAM® software platform for multidisciplinary design, analysis and optimization provides an integrated and streamlined approach to turbomachinery design. This best-in-class software solution encompasses the complete process for radial, axial and mixed flow turbomachinery design. This includes gas and steam turbines, compressors.
Dynamic and Steady-State Simulation
Dynamic Simulation
Gas Turbine Simulation software, free download
The basic dynamic simulation module can perform simulation runs for solving all commonly arising control tasks. It manages all networks including non-pipe elements:
- On/Off valves
- Controlled valves - pressure reducers, flow limiters, throttle valves, check valves
- Resistor elements
- Gas reservoirs
- Basic models of compressor stations ('free mode' and 'generic')
If needed, several extension modules can be integrated into the simulation system to meet the user's requirements.
Steady-State Simulation
A special software module, offering a swift convergency to the solution, has been developed for a steady-state calculation. The steady-state simulation module retains the functionality of the dynamic module with several modifications regarding the nature of steady-state calculation.
Compressor Stations
Simplified Modelling
The simplified compressor station modelling is intended mainly for a use in network structure designing and marketing studies. Two levels of simplified compressor station modelling are provided:
- Free mode - this simplest way of modelling treats the compressor station as an 'omnipotent' unit, without almost any constraint.
- Generic compressor - its behaviour is described by a set of the operating field border curves (minimum and maximum flow, maximum power, fixed efficiency).
Device Oriented Compressor Station Model

This universal and detailed modelling performs the service of both analytical studies on a real network as well as a use with on-line information and control systems, inducting a remarkable increase of the simulation accuracy.
Gas Turbine Simulation Program Free Download
The compressor station consists of turbocompressors, reciprocating compressors, gas turbine drives, electro drives, gas-powered drives and gas coolers, in any number and any configuration. A compressor station can be modelled by in any stage-based serial/parallel configuration of the compressor units.
Compressor Station Feasibility Test
Gas Turbine Simulation Program Free Printable
System for automatic check of the feasibility of a compressor station and control law was developed to assist the universal device oriented modelling.
Heat Dynamics
If a high accuracy of temperature distribution is required (as in underwater pipelines with extreme pressure drop or in simulation of flow downstream from compressor stations), the heat dynamics option is to be applied.
Heat dynamics model takes into account two following components:

- Heat transients in the flowing gas resulting from the Joule-Thompson effect.
- Heat transients resulting from the heat exchange between the flowing gas and the enveloping tube with its further environment. The model also covers the heat capacity of the surroundings.
A precise description of gas coolers and heaters is included too.
Gas Quality Tracking
For the networks supplied by gas from several sources with a different quality, SIMONE offers a unique approach to gas composition tracking, which enables to simulate the transmission and merging of gas flows with different quality across the pipeline system.
The quality-tracking module has been designed to meet very high accuracy requirements, which makes it suitable for use in simulation-based energy billing.
Blending Stations
Two kinds of blending station for controlled gas mixing are currently defined in SIMONE; other kinds can easily be included on request.