- So I took up Fallout again and i wanted to beef up my graphics a little bit and i installed NMC's Texture Pack.I got the Medium version at the modder's recommendation and I'm experiencing game crashes every 5-10 minutes. The game will stutter slightly, then it'll crash and have to be closed. The thing is, I'm running a rig that should be able to handle even the Large texture pack so i'm.
- NMCs Texture Pack » Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:35 am. Tack the four large packs: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4, and drag them to your Fallout New Vegas folder.
- How To Install Nmc Texture Pack Fallout New Vegas
- Nmc Texture Pack Fallout New Vegas
- Fallout New Vegas Nmc Texture Pack Comparison

How To Install Nmc Texture Pack Fallout New Vegas
Fallout New Vegas - Nmcs Texture Pack For New Vegas Large V.1.0 While I haven’t had any issues, it is possible others will experience instability. Try installing or try these steps.Open the folder My documents / My Games / FalloutNV.Open the file FALLOUT.ini to edit it.Use ctrl-F and search “bUseThreadedAI”.Change that line to say.
LOD Generating Guide
Before getting started, there are a few things you should know. First, you do not need to generate LOD if you just followed the guide. The Vanilla LOD mod in the guide is essentially the same as what these instructions accomplish. These instructions are only for if you installed texture mods (such as NMCs or Poco Bueno) or are using a mod that requires LOD to be generated (like MoreMojave). Second, there are two versions of LODGen available: FNVLODGen and xLODGen. xLODGen is the newer (and more experimental) version, and includes the option to generate terrain LOD. However, I don't recommended generating terrain LOD unless you use a mod that requires it (and the only mod that I can think of that requires terrain LOD is MoreMojave, which now includes pre-generated terrain LOD for use with vanilla textures). Terrain LOD creates a much larger file size (+500mb) and potential performance loss for a very minimal visual improvement. Therefore, this guide will focus only on generating object LOD with FNVLODGen. If you need to generate xLODGen terrain LOD for whatever reason, the instructions will be the exact same except you will need to enable Terrain LOD option in the program.
Installing FNVLODGen:
- Download the Main File - FNVLODGen 3.2.1 file from here
- Once the download has finished, extract the contents of the archive to any location outside of any default Window folders
- Once the files have been extracted, open Mod Organizer 2, click the button at the top of MO2 and select Open Mods folder
- There, create a folder named FNVLODGen Output
- Back in MO2, select the button at the top of MO2 to open the executables menu
- Click the + at the top of the window and the select Add from file...
- From the pop-up, navigate to where FNVLODGen is installed and select FNVLODGen.exe
- Select Apply then OK
Installing LOD Resources:
The plugins from the following mods should be placed directly above Altitude.esp, or the plugin of whatever weather mod you are using.
- FNVLODGen - Main File- FNVLODGen Resources 1.1
- If you are using NMCs Texture Pack, also install the Optional File - NMC LOD texture fix file
- LOD Additions and Improvements - Main File - LODadditions 1.07
- Less Horrendous Vikki and Vance Casino LOD Mesh - Main File - Less Horrendous Vikki and Vance Casino LOD 0.2
- Only if you use NMCs Texture Pack: LOD Supplementation - Main File - FNV LOD Supplementation 0.05a
- Only if you use NMCs Texture Pack: LOD Texture Patches - Main File - NMC LOD Patch 0.7
- If you have Poco Bueno overwriting NMCs, also install the Main File - Poco-Ojo LOD Texture Patch 0.1b
- Only if you use Poco Bueno overwriting NMCs: TCM's LOD Overhaul - Main File - TCM's LOD Overhaul 1.0

Nmc Texture Pack Fallout New Vegas
Running FNVLODGen:
- Select FNVLODGen from the executables drop-down in the top right of MO2 and click Run
- Once the program has loaded, right-click in the left pane and click Select All
- In the right pane, check Objects LOD but leave Trees LOD unchecked
Tree LOD is not functional in New Vegas. LOD for trees is covered in Object LOD.
Fallout New Vegas Nmc Texture Pack Comparison
- Under the Objects LOD section, change the Atlas size option to 8192 x 8192
- Select Generate
- Wait for the message LOD Generator: finished (you can close this application now) to appear (should take under 15 minutes depending on your CPU), then close out of the program
- Back in MO2, right-click on the Overwrite mod at the bottom of MO2 and select Move content to Mod...
- From the pop-up, select the FNVLODGen Output mod you created (you may need to refresh MO2 for this option to appear) then OK
- Enable the mod in the left pane of MO2